Filozofska sekcija "Tačka"

Milan Vidović

The mist

Love is such an odd desire
And often it serves to inspire
Many great works of art
That can take this world apart
And pretty soon i might start
Feeling that good old craving
Always fighting,always praying
Always lying,always failing
'Till everyone starts dismaying
Who i am and what i'm saying
It is truly a gift from above
To be loved,and to feel love
But i always choose the wrong way
And with every single word i spray
I will only push the people away
And be nothing more than prey
Prey for this cloudy mist
The mist that cannot be dissmised And that mist is only life
That can cut you like any knife
And yet it is only a simple path
On which some choose to show their rath
And hide their wounds that noone can mend
Until life finally has it's end
For death is only a tiny line
That can only kill your shine
When you face the ultimate loss
The only border you can never cross

